Alvarado FFA
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FFA Degrees

Each degree of active membership requires commitment and a lot of hard work, but you don’t have to be a gifted student or live on a large farm or ranch to reach your goals. The FFA degree system is organized so that all FFA members, no matter where you are from, have an equal chance of obtaining each degree of membership including the highest degree of membership within the FFA, the American FFA Degree. However, you must show progress in your Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program to have a realistic chance at attaining this goal. If you are a freshman or sophomore in high school, now is the time to set your goal and create a road map on how you plan to achieve your goals within the FFA. 

By obtaining these degrees of membership, students can increase their chances of getting scholarships through the FFA Organization.

To start working toward your degree, please click on the "AET Record Book" under the "Links" button on the navigation bar.  You will need to get your user name and password from your teacher.

Once the record book is filled out, students are eligible to apply for many awards.


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